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Celebrating 150 Years

Minute of Church History

  • This historic information has been gathered by the Sesquicentennial Committee

  • It was presented on four different Sunday’s during the church service as a “Minute of History.”


Rev. John Anderson

First Pastor, Rev. John A. Anderson (1868-1873)

Rev. Wilbur DeYoung

Rev. Wilbur DeYoung served during our 100th celebration (1966-1979).

Rev. Tim Maguffee

Our current and 18th paster, Rev. Tim Maguffee is looking forward to serving the Junction City community.

Rev. Hays, Miller and Hale

Between the years of 1873 and 1891 the church had 5 different pastors. Rev. Isaac K. Hays, DD (1874-1875); Rev. John H. Miller, DD (1877-1881); and Rev. Albert F. Hale (1881-1884).

Rev. Lord and McClung

Rev. Willis Lord, DD (Feb.-Aug. 1885) and Rev. Job McClung (1886-1891).

Rev. Andrew H. Harshaw, DD

Pastor from 1891-1911, Rev. Andrew H. Harshaw, DD. The church as documents in his handwriting. Rev. Harshaw enjoyed working with wood and the church as two pedestals that he hand-made.


Our initial place of meeting was east of the city park known as the "Corncrib" (1868).

Brown's Hall

Brown's Hall (1869) was our meeting place prior to purchasing our current location. This was north of the park.

First Church

Our first church! Completed 1871 it featured a tower and stained glass windows. It cost $14,500.

Sabbath School Addition

Addition was completed in 1886. At the time our church had 135 members, 13 Sunday school teachers and 150 scholars.

Rev. Dudley M. Clagett

Served from 1918-1924. Rev Clagett started the fund drive to build a new church and gave the last service in our first church in March of 1920.

New Church

Our 1920's church provided seating for 600 members and also provided meeting rooms, classrooms and a gymnasium. The church was dedicated in Sept 1921.


The pipe organ was a gift from Mrs. Oscar Howard as a memorial to her mother. This organ was built by Reuter Organ Co in Lawrence, KS. Portions of the pipe organ were donated by Andrew Carnegie. A gift of $1,800 was received in 1902 from Carnegie. He was a good friend of our first paster, Rev. Anderson.

C.J. Ziegler

Present for the dedication of the church were C.J. Ziegler (second from right) and other building board members.

Rev. John Hart

Rev. John Hart became our paster in 1911. He helped organize the Boy Scout movement in Junction City.

Boy Scouts at FPC

Bob Waters, husband of Betty, and uncle to Chris Muson, began a lifelong involvement as a Boy Scout and later became a leader. An active troop still meets in our church.

Rev. T.F.B. Smith

Rev. T.F.B. Smith was our paster during the time when the depression caused the session to reduce his salary by $600 (1932). In 1933 the annual budgeted salary was $3,000 and this year the session reduced the pastor's salary to $1,500.

Rev. Mervin S. Moss, D.D.

Rev. Mervin S. Moss, D.D. served as our paster from 1935-1943. Under his direction, the first board of directors was created. The deacons were: Mrs. H.O. Bowles, H.W. Jacobs, A.D. Jellison, Miss Abbie Moses, Mrs. W.A. Smiley and W.F. Ziegler.

1917 hymnals

FPCJC donated 120, 1917 edition hymnals

Reed Organ

The church also donated the old reed organ to an unnamed "needy Presbyterian Church".

Kansas Synod Visits

In 1938, the 75th Kansas Synod met in Junction City. Nancy Hood Slaten - daughter of W.O. and Ina Flower Hood, and mother of Lee Mullen, and grand mother of Brock Mullen - presented the visitors with a key to the city.

70th Anniversary

Our 70th anniversary was celebrated in 1938. The 27 members who joined prior to 1900 were honored with a small wooden cross made of walnut from the pulpit of from the first church.

Rev. John Page

Our first Associate Pastor was Rev. John Page. Hired in 1942 for 1 year, he was the Associate minister for the Army and Defense Personnel.


This was the home of the first elected woman elder, Mrs. A.L. Wagonseller. The church purchased this property in 1955 and was built by Nancy Hood Slaten's grandfather, George Flower.

Gabby Family

Brough Gabby donated a clock that still hangs in the church parlor, in memory of his two sisters. The Gabby's were very active in the church.

E.W. Rolfs

In January 1943, a gift of $4,000 was recieved from the Gabby family and this helped to retire the mortgage of $7,000. E.W. Rolfs, treasurer of the Board of Trustees, burned the mortgage.

Presbyterian Women

Mrs. McDowell organized Presbyterian Women, uniting Ladies Aid and Missionary Society into ten circles. She also established a church nursery and Junior church.

Rev. Frank B. McDowell

Rev. Frank B. McDowell, D.D. served as our Pastor from 1944-1954.

Humboldt Valley

In 1945, Humboldt Valley Presbyterian Church discontinued services and several members transferred to FPCJC. The bibile from Humboldt Valley Church was given to us. We had the book rebound in 1954 by Kurt Kessinger as part of his God and Country Award in Boy Scouts.


The church interior was redecorated in 1949 at the cost of $18,000. Artist Matt Peterson created the murals. When the new pipe organ was installed, two of the murals were moved to new locations in the church.

Rev. Dan E. Hiett

Rev. Dan E. Hiett arrived in Junction City to be pastor in 1955. He served our church until January 1966.

Rev. C. Edward Herring

Rev. C. Edward Herring was the Assistant Pastor from 1958-1960

Rev. Peter Hiett

Peter Hiett was the first baby to occupy the new manse. His father, Rev. Hiett was the first occupant of the Wagenseller home (now known as the manse).


In 1961, a Schulmerick carillon was given to the church by Herbert W. and Bess M. Jacobs. The carillon chimed daily at 5:15pm. It was also used on Sunday mornings as part of the worship service.

Rev. Joseph Kurtright

Rev. Joseph Kurtright was hired as Assistant Pastor in July 1961.

Rev. William Salzmann

The Rev. William Salzmann served as Associate Pastor from 1967 to 1970.

Rev. Charles McGaha

Rev. Charles McGaha was our Associate paster from 1970-1973. During this time, it was voted on to make the Fluker property a place for our youth to go.

Head Bell Choir

Choir Directors: 1921-1940 Elizabeth Miller 1940-1942 George Putman 1942-1957 Irene Craft 1957-1972 Harold Olmstead 1972-1973 Ramona Printz-Smith 1973-1980 Ferrell Miller 1981-1982 Rod Walker 1982-2015 Joe Markley 2015-2016 Stuart Workman 2016-Present Joe Markley

Rev. Ted Lester

Rev. Ted Lester served at FPCJC from 1980 – 1991

Hugh Dill

Hugh Dill prepares pancakes during the Mariners Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed.

Rev. Allen Mosiman

Rev. Allen Mosiman, Associate Pastor 1983-1989


Chris Heldstab works with the Youth Club called Kids in Christ. Always a fun time for the 3rd through 5th graders!

Parade of Palms

1988 Palm Sunday – Parade of Palms through Heritage Park with Rev. Lester and Rev. Mosiman.

Manse Garage

In 1986, a new garage for the manse was constructed. Church members assisted in the build and Doug Vogelsang served the garage committee coordinator.

Rev. Julia Wharff

Rev. Julia K. Wharff Associate Pastor 1990-1994

Rev. Richard Underdahl-Pierce

Rev. Richard F. Underdahl-Pierce served FPCJC from 1993-1999. He arrived to our church just in time to help celebrate our 125th Anniversary.

Vaudene Field

In the early 1980’s Vaudene Field worked with middle school and high school students to perform in both vocal and hand bell concerts.

Estonia Grand Piano

The Estonia Grand Piano being played by Ramona Printz-Smith.

Rev. Tom Holslag

Associate Pastor Rev. Tom Holslag served at FPCJC from 1996-2000.

Gary Sexton

Thanks Gary for 17 years!

Rev. Matthew Glasgow

Rev. Matthew Glasgow began as Head of Staff in October 2001. He remained at FPCJC for 13 ½ years.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Community Thanksgiving Dinner began in 2001. Thank you, Margaret Kilpatrick for all that you do for others!


Pastor Tim Maguffee enjoys his time with the children. Pastor Maguffee joined us in January of 2018.

Rezound Hand Bell Ensemble

The Rezound Hand Bell Ensemble from Kansas City performed in our church in the summer of 2017.

Chanel Choir

The Chancel Choir performs an anthem during our Easter service.

Childrens Choir

The Children’s Choir is led by Sheila Markley.


First Presbyterian Church Junction City, KS 1868-2018

Additional history

  • In 1966 the manse was remodeled and redecorated at a cost of $4000 to prepare for the arrival of Rev. Dr. Wilbur DeYoung and family.
  • The Rev. William Salzmann arrived as Associate Pastor in 1967.
  • A new social group for the military wives was organized.  Mrs. Madge Kennedy was the first Parish visitor to Military Personnel.  They met weekly with a variety of activities.  The program continued until 1997.
  • Who remembers hand-held fans? The congregation was pleased when air conditioning was installed in 1968.
  • Rod Craft, member of the Christian Nature Committee was assigned the task of implementing a youth program. Elders Mary Carrier, Jim Pendarvis (father of Terrah Stroda) and Dr. George Nenstiel were designated to also serve. The youth program was to be tried on a trial basis and several areas in the church could be used.
  • In 1969 the First Presbyterian Foundation was organized not for profit, but to receive, invest, and administer gifts of money for the benefit of the religious, charitable, and educational purposes of the church.
  • July 1969, the session participated in the presentation of the God and Country Award to James Hicks. His parents were Dan and Mitsu Hicks. 


Our organists through the years

  • Abbie Moses - 41 years
  • Marjorie Merritt - 3 years
  • Ramona Printz-Smith - 17 years
  • Ernestine Hallman - 1 year
  • Nancy Rutherford - 1 year
  • Vaudene Field - 36 years
  • Joe Markley 
  • Anne Otte - current organist
  • Mitchell Jerko - current organist

An old minister once said, “The true church was living, loving, liberal, and laborious. The test of the worth of a church is what it has done for the community where it is located.”

An Historical Peek
Written in 1999 By Josephine Munson --Updated in 2017

For more than 130 years, the First Presbyterian Church of Junction City has been giving out the Light and Power of the Gospel, and serving the community.

The church was organized on March 8, 1868, with eleven members. It was the fourth church in Junction City. The first church was the Episcopal in 1859, then the Catholic in 1861, and the Methodist in 1865.

The first meeting place was east of the City Park in a building called “The Corncrib.” Later, services were held in Brown’s Hall, north of the Park. By April 15, the Reverend John A. Anderson was called to be the first pastor. The building was first used on Christmas Eve, 1870, when the Stars and Stripes were run up to the top of the tower.

After five years, the Reverend Anderson was elected to be the first president of Kansas State Agricultural College. Under Mr. Anderson’s guidance and ministry, the church showed great growth. Within a few years an education building and a Manse were built. This building served well until World War I came and the need for a larger building was seen. In 1920, the building was torn down, the present sanctuary was constructed. Again the need for more room, so the Manse was torn down and the present Education Building constructed in 1965. The present Manse was purchased from the A. L. Wagenseller family in 1955.

During the more than 149 years the congregation has experienced two World Wars, the Korean War, Vietnam and Desert Storm and most recently, the War on Terror. The church has responded to the needs of the military community. Now in 2017, the Presbyterian Church is supporting many community outreach programs---the Food Pantry, Open Door, and the Salvation Army. The church has served the community well.

1921 / current structure

Our History

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